Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise architecture creates a harmony between the requirements of business, ICT automation, process robotization, and the ICT infrastructure itself. Its design is based on real needs, it improves solution performance and optimizes resources invested in people and technologies. To the maximum extent possible, it creates an open, modular and flexible environment, built on modern technologies and maximal automation of processing requests and operations.

Defined by business, controlled by applications and fully integrated data center infrastructure.
Softwarově definované datové centrum
Naše pojetí softwarově definovaného datového centra pracuje s principem zajištění vyšších funkcí datového centra v rámci softwarové vrstvy. Jako takové v sobě nese:
- Abstrakci hardwarové vrstvy a eliminaci uzamčení proprietárním hardwarem, tzv. „hardware vendor–lock“.
- Možnost navýšení systémových zdrojů, tedy kapacity či výkonu, jednoduchým přidáním dalšího modulu (nodu).
- Využívání API rozhraní pro zajištění instalace dalších komponent kategorie „Software Defined…“.
- Jednoduchost obměny technologií nezávislou na konkrétním výrobci a pouze při zachování obecných parametrů hardwaru.
Software-defined data center
Changes established ways of technology deployment. Closed solutions are replaced by open ones.
Software-defined center
Our concept of software-defined data center works on the principle of providing higher functions of the data center within the software layer. As such, it contains:
- Hardware layer abstraction and elimination of proprietary hardware lock, i.e. “hardware vendor-lock”.
- The possibility of increasing system resources, that is capacity or performance, simply by adding another module (node).
- It uses and API to enable installation of other components from the “Software Defined…” category.
- Easy replacement of technologies independent on a particular manufacturer, when preserving only general hardware parameters.
Converged solutions
Strategic approach to building DC infrastructure, which is flexible, effective and provides for future development.
Converged solutions
They are about usage and deployment versatility. Investments in data center technologies go hand in hand with deployments of proprietary systems, emphasized by proportional investments in technologies and people, who subsequently maintain them. By implementing converged and hyperconverged systems, the architectures and requirements to ensure their operation get simplified. Implementation of commodity and open technologies, which moreover support “automated software management” using standardized programming tools, leads to creation of a modular and flexible environment. Such an environment is then also easy to be administered efficiently.
We can help you design a solution and implement it into an existing infrastructure or with modernization as such.
Data center control using service catalogs and standardization of ICT infrastructure operating and security rules.
The most significant benefit of automating a company is rule standardization, elimination of the possibility of introducing a human error and the speed of deployment. From an IT system and/or application consumer’s point of view, there is a significant simplification of their requests are being dealt with. From an IT department’s point of view, there’s following standards and security rules.
Within data centers, we can help you introduce:
- Management of the data center and its resources using service catalogs and planned lifecycle management for individual projects.
- Standardization of services, automatically requiring the use of predefined system and security rules for IT infrastructure.
- Direct implementation of services by the ICT consumers themselves, merely by selecting an item from a catalog of offered solutions and services.
- Automated reactions to security threats.